More than 1,000 enterprises across the country describe themselves as part of the community-supported agriculture movement. They often are referred to as "CSAs."

  • The key feature of a CSA is the direct releationship between the farmer and consumers. Consumers are assured of a safe supply of fresh, local produce. Farmers benefit from having consumers pay in advance of the growing season and share some of the risk of weather and other vagaries of nature.

  • CSA farmers generally use organic and other "sustainable agriculture" methods.

  • CSA farms are generally small and labor intensive.

  • Most CSAs serve urban areas.
line drawing of grocery bag w/ vegetables
David Dudley
  • Subscribers are generally invited or required to participate in some of the activities of the enterprise, such as planting, weeding, harvesting, bagging or delivery. Consumers learn where their food is coming from and what's involved in producing it.